
A green and blue logo with people in the center.

This Christmas something very sweet came to my mind. Those were the lines from the moral science chapter in 2nd Grade, the lines from Jesus. ” Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

Very deep lines indeed.

It led me to write the following. Just felt like sharing.

Forgiveness helps us!
Forgive the people, Remember the lessons.

If one holds a small cup of water in a hand, it doesn’t bother for some time, then it starts making one realize that something is in the hand that is needing some effort. After a few hours, the feeling turns into a dull pain, then a nagging pain and if one keeps holding that cup of water for over a day, it then starts bothering a lot and starts affecting the sleep as well as mental and physical well-being.
Imagine holding that same cup of water for months and years, it will slowly diminish the happiness and life of one.

They say that demented patients are very happy once they lose the realization that they are forgetting something. It is a blissful phase when one has no grudges against anyone and all that one wants to do is feel loved and give love and warmth.

If someone harms us or makes us feel sad, that someone also gives us a lesson of life. Our job is to imbibe the learning and then move on to the next lesson.
If instead of the lesson, we focus on the teacher’s methods and behavior, the purpose of the lesson is defeated.

Think of it another way, if someone harms us or makes us feel sad, is that someone now more important than our loved ones the person who made us sad occupies a larger area in our minds than our loved ones. And mental pain overpowers all the other pleasures in our lives.

In the end, we want to feel happy and feel loved. If we forgive the people who made us sad and give them the credit for the lessons that they gave us and remember the lesson and build on it, it turns into a positive outcome. And once we have learned our lesson, there is no need to repeat the class.

In order to lead a blissful, successful, and happy life, it is very important to forgive the people who hurt us, remember the lessons from the experiences, and move on to the next lesson in the journey of exploring one’s own self and attaining one’s own peace of mind and happiness.

Forgiving helps our own selves the most.
Stay happy and blissful.
After all, “It’s the season to be jolly.” 🙂
Merry Christmas 🎄

Jaya Sonkar MD MPH
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