Live Life to the Fullest!

Live life to the fullest!
Shine like a sun
Soar like a gull
Move like the wind
Bloom like a flower
Live like the last day
Enjoy like the first time
Refresh like a morning
And rest like the night
Destress like in wild
Work like a holic
Play like a child
Have fun and frolic
We learn new ways
We grow each day
Life shortens each day
By a day each day
It’s worth forgive
It’s worth forget
The somber and the sad
The harsh that we met
It’s worth remember
It’s worth cherish
Pleasant memories and
Sweetness to relish
A lot of time has gone
Still have some to live
You give and you take
And you take and you give
Be happy and keep happy
Live and let live
Give life your best
Get best from the life
Bloom like a flower
Move like the wind
Soar like a gull
And shine like a sun
Jaya Sonkar MD MPH
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