Pictured Rocks

Pictured Rocks!
These rocks that are pictured
Nature has beautifully colored
Those colors come from unity
Of various elements in nature
Manganese, Copper, Iron, and Sulphur
With very different basic characters
They splish-splashed and whiplashed
And put this unique piece together
These rocks are beautiful
Strenuously carved
Sometimes even battered
And then called chapel rock
The tree that was atop
Held together a piece
It took and it gave
And put it at ease
Just right there nearby
Also carved a beach
To relax and watch the beauty
And feel the nice breeze
These waters are so clear
And so blue and so green
Who can see it’s depth
Of fourteen hundred feet
So modest and humble
It lets the small boats
Sail to the rocks and jungle
In its warm blue-green coat
The works of the water and the winds
And the rocks and the trees and the sky
The sky where the birds fly
And watch with their wide-open eyes
A beauty so unique
Made by united efforts
So calm and so serene
So clear and pristine
The forces carved out a gate
A small and a big portal
And also carved out a limbo cave
Awestruck, watch we mortals
When it starts with the dirt
It is in the making
No one cares for a billion years
While it was baking
It’s only when one day
It becomes obvious
Do all come from far off
Observe it and discuss
And write on it
And think about it
And talk about it
And make it humongous
It must have seen
The truth from the years
The billions that passed
And the billions yet to come
It must have seen so much
It must have lived so much
It may keep evolving
As the earth keeps revolving
Jaya Sonkar MD MPH
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