What is the Most Stable Thing?

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What is the Most Stable Thing

What is the most stable thing?

The most stable thing in the world is instability. Constant change is the most permanent. Death is very long-lived.

Isn’t that what we seek? Permanence, stability, life? It seems like nature has its way to give us what we want. However, one may still not be happy. Perhaps it is because the truth of these wants is different from what is perceived.

The universal truth is, ‘Nothing lasts forever.’

The words, first and last have a meaning only if the time span is defined. Since the time span is not defined, who knows when was the first and when will be the last of anything.
What is defined is one life span. And that is all that we know or have a memory of. Speaking of memory, that life span is alive as long as there is memory, be it one’s own or someone else’s.

One can only commit to a particular time on an infinite timeline. Promises hold till the memory and commitment are there. Love and bonds hold till the feelings and memories are there. Memories, as we know, sometimes don’t even last a lifetime. It takes time to develop in childhood and some people lose it with dementia.

So what is real? All of the above is real. The sooner we realize this, the sooner we can find calm within ourselves. The wrong expectation is the mother of sorrows. So knowing reality and expecting the right things is the key to joy.

That doesn’t mean that we stop expecting any kind of stability in life. There is always a scope for an unstable equilibrium which can change with a gust of air, a drip of water, a change in temperature, or a twist in a thought.

Just be prepared for the unexpected and expect the unexpected to happen anytime. And smile it off, when it does.

The most stable thing in the world is instability. Constant change is the most permanent. Death is very long-lived. Everything else has a short life.

On a positive note, Corona will become history too. Hopefully without making mankind history! 🙂

Jaya Sonkar MD MPH4/22/2020
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