You Can Do It if You Think You Can!

Live the life you want
Love your dreams, make them count
Life is limited but the possibilities are limitless
Age is defined but growth is undefined
Let your fears be your strength
Let your failures lead you to success
Let your mind be your mentor
Let your karma be your mantra
Let no one tell you, you can’t do it
There is nothing that you think you can do and can’t
Let your conscience keep you clean
Let your heart be the best judge
Let the vastness make you an explorer
Let the confinement make you a thinker
Let the power fill you with energy
Let the weakness make you humble
Let the loss help you find the worth
Let the gain help you relish
Let the people surround you
Let the loneliness keep you real
Because in the journey of life, my friend
You are on your own, as is everyone else
And it is you and truly you
Who can decide what you can do, where you can go
Follow your heart, and live your dreamWork on it and make it happen!
You can do it if you think you can do it!
Jaya Sonkar MD MPH
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